Yarmouth Carnival Dog Show 2023!

A fantastic turnout on a chilly blustery day for our Dog and Pet show. Thank you to all that braved the weather and to Freshwater Petstore for providing the prizes. …

Pancake Race 2023!

Shrove Tuesday this year fell on February 21st and Yarmouth Square soon filled up with supporters for our annual pancake races. The primary school children, who are now at their …

Easter Duck Race 2023!

The weather was set fair with a brisk breeze and perfect tide conditions. Large crowds lined the shore, stretching all the way across the bridge ready to cheer on the …

The Yearbook

This year Yarmouth Carnival Committee have produced a Yearbook which contains details of Carnival Week plus reports on the other events we hold throughout the year. There are also some …

Coronation Lunch in The Square

What an amazing day it has been! Thank you to all of you who came along and supported us and of course a huge thank you to the volunteer helpers …